
An Addon for Kerbal Space Program.

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Dr. Jet’s ChopShop (CHOP)


Marketing Slicks

  1. Rovers
  2. Aerodynamic blister decouplers
  3. Aerodynamic Blisters
  4. Structural Hubs
  5. Lander Tank System and Aerospike Adapter
  6. Deployable Skycrane
  7. Soil Sampler
  8. DAS-1 and SSP-1
  9. Drone Nosecone and Wide Tricoupler


  • Rugged Rover
  • RTGRover

Dr. Jet's ChopShop (CHOP)


Aerodynamic blister decouplers

  • Aerodynamic Blister Decouplers


Aerodynamic Blisters

Aerodynamic Blisters top

Structural Hubs

Structural Hubs top

Lander Tank System and Aerospike Adapter

Lander Tank System and Aerospike Adapter top

Deployable Skycrane

Deployable Skycrane top

Soil Sampler

Soil Sampler top

DAS-1 and SSP-1

DAS-1 and SSP-1


Drone Nosecone and Wide Tricoupler

Drone Nosecone and Wide Tricoupler top

10-Samplecraft 11-TricouplerandQuintcoupler 12-Quadcouplerand2.5madapter 13-LTS-2 14-SmartSolarPanelsMk2 15-Using3-wayhubtobuildrigidfuelring. 16-16-Using6wayhubstomakeultra-rigidstationorinterstellarshipcore 17-Howthosechuteswork 18-Segmentchutesandsmallinlinechute 19-_Beak_bicoupler. 20-OpeningHeatShield 21-MRRMk2 22-TexturesUnlimitedintegration

2-Aerodynamicblisterdecouplers 3-AerodynamicBlisters 4-StructuralHubs. 5-LanderTankSystemandAerospikeAdapter 6-DeployableSkycrane 7-SoilSampler 8-DAS-1andSSP-1 9-DroneNoseconeandWideTricoupler. 10-Samplecraft 11-TricouplerandQuintcoupler 12-Quadcouplerand2.5madapter 13-LTS-2 14-SmartSolarPanelsMk2 15-Using3-wayhubtobuildrigidfuelring. 16-16-Using6wayhubstomakeultra-rigidstationorinterstellarshipcore 17-Howthosechuteswork 18-Segmentchutesandsmallinlinechute 19-_Beak_bicoupler. 20-OpeningHeatShield 21-MRRMk2 ![22-TexturesUnlimitedintegration][IMG:hero:2w]

THIS FILE: CC BY-ND 4.0 by zer0Kerbal used with express permission from zer0Kerbal