Drop Tanks III (DTIII)
has been translated into the following languages:
Dutch (Nederlands)
*bedankt!* [renejant](https://github.com/renejant) Russian (Русский)
*спасибо!* [evanisrael](https://github/evanisrael)
These localizations for KSP and its DLC’s are available through Steam:
German (Deutsch)
Spanish (Español)
French (Français)
Italian (Italiano)
Brazilian Portuguese (Português Brasil)
Simplified Chinese (简体中文)
Additionally Included
Mexican Spanish (Español Mexicano)
Korean (한국어)
Norwegian (Norsk)
Polish (Polski)
Swedish (Svenska)
Turkish (Türk)
Taiwanese (国语)
THIS FILE: CC BY-ND 4.0 by zer0Kerbal used with express permission from zer0Kerbal