
An Add'On for Kerbal Space Program.

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Elephant Engine (NBEE)


## Installation Instructions ### Using CurseForge/OverWolf app or CKAN You should be all good! (check for latest version on CurseForge) ### If Downloaded from CurseForge/OverWolf manual download To install, place the NecroBones folder inside your Kerbal Space Program's GameData folder: * **REMOVE ANY OLD VERSIONS OF THE PRODUCT BEFORE INSTALLING**, including any other fork: * Delete `/GameData/NecroBones/ElephantEngine` * Extract the package's `NecroBones` folder into your KSP's GameData folder as follows: * `/NecroBones/` --> `/GameData/` * Overwrite any preexisting folder/file(s). * you should end up with `/GameData/NecroBones/ElephantEngine` ### If Downloaded from SpaceDock / GitHub / other To install, place the GameData folder inside your Kerbal Space Program folder: * **REMOVE ANY OLD VERSIONS OF THE PRODUCT BEFORE INSTALLING**, including any other fork: * Delete `/GameData/NecroBones/ElephantEngine` * Extract the package's `GameData` folder into your KSP's root folder as follows: * `/GameData` --> `` * Overwrite any preexisting file. * you should end up with `/GameData/NecroBones/ElephantEngine` ## The following file layout must be present after installation ```markdown + [GameData] + [NecroBones] + [ElephantEngine] + [Assets] ... + [Compatibility] ... + [FX] ... + [Localization] ... + [Parts] ... + [Sounds] ... * #.#.#.#.htm * changelog.md * CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0.txt * readme.htm * ElephantEngine.version ... ... * KSP.log ... ``` ### Dependencies * none