KGEx (KGx)


Module Manager patch adds docking port size/gender/shielded(if gendered - if shielded) to part descriptions in editor for all docking ports.

Installation Instructions

Using CurseForge/OverWolf app or CKAN

You should be all good! (check for latest version on CurseForge)

If Downloaded from CurseForge/OverWolf manual download

To install, place the KGEx folder inside your Kerbal Space Program’s GameData folder:

If Downloaded from SpaceDock / GitHub / other

To install, place the GameData folder inside your Kerbal Space Program folder:

The following file layout must be present after installation

  + [GameData]
    + [KGEx]
      + [Compatibility]
      + [Localization]
      + [Configs]
      * #.#.#.#.htm
      * CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0.txt
      * readme.htm
      * KGEx.version
  * KSP.log
