On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC)
next steps and projects
this is speculative and merely a possible to do list
best laid plans of mice and kerbals alike…
Plan is to release first week of April 2022, coinsiding with Hot Beverages initial dev release(at least the fuel cell parts)
PAW and Grouping
- color code type of patch - green for copy and blue for modify
- patches need to be MODULE,0 to keep ODFC near top
- color code RMB/PAW label with same color code
- implement grouping and auto collapse
[x] implement summary status on grouping label (ODFC: status EC/s: currentEC/maxEX* - have PAW remember collapse status of group
- convert to using double slider (KSP 1.7.1)
add to part module (use FSHORT code to read in)
- enabled = True
- threshold = 0.05
- rateLimit = 1.00
- defaultMode = 1
- autoSwitch = False
- stallEC = False
- storedChargeFirst = False (NearFuture) (double slider for min/max/%)
- researvePowerFirst = False (Ampyear) (double slider for min/max/%)
- megajoulesFirst = False (KSP Interstellar) (double slider for min/max/%)
Mod Compatability
- :NEEDS[Kethane] Kethane uses its own converter mode, but Kethane the resource (Kethane in, EC +xenonGas out)
implement into code
- # autoSwitching fuel mode will be the most difficult.
- # stallEC = if vessel EC = 0f stall the fuelcell until EC > 0f (realism)
- # difficulty settings - moderate and hard turn on stall automatically
- # put stall mode option into difficulty settings
stretch goal add the following two for each fuel/byproducts
- minimumAmount = 0.0 (fuels)
- maximumAmount = 1.00 (byproducts)
- ventExcess = True (byproducts, vent excess over maximum Amount)
- flowMode = All
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